Trash Billing
Municipal Utiliy Board of Pryor only manages the billing for trash pickup. If you have questions about pick up days or any info on what can be picked up, please contact Pryor Waste and Recycling at 918-825-0026.
For information on Commercial Trash rates for the City of Pryor Creek, please click here.
Pryor Waste & Recycling
In order to determine a monthly refuse rate that each residential household would pay, a set of regulations was established by the Pryor City Council 25 years ago. Therefore, by a signed contract agreement between City of Pryor and Pryor Waste & Recycling LLC refuse service will be provided based on the following rules and regulations.
The only reasons refuse is not picked up is a violation of the regulations, if the house water has been turned off, Thanksgiving or Christmas Day, dangerous weather conditions, or if refuse service has not been paid. Combined refuse rates for a year are based on 48 weeks of service even though there are 52 weeks in a year.
Pryor Waste & Recycling LLC is a private owned company, and your refuse service will be what has been established by the City of Pryor. Any refuse service requested that is not in the contract, will only be at the discretion of the owner of Pryor Waste & Recycling.
A. Each residents within the city limits of Pryor, at a certain time, will receive twice a week service on their designated days unless there is a holiday, dangerous weather conditions or a violation. Outside the city limits residential refuse service will only be once a week.
B. Residential pick-up begins at 6:00 AM Monday thru Friday.
C. Residents are to place their refuse at LEAST 3 feet from the curb or street. Unless you are paying an extra charge for house side pickup for bagged trash only.
D. Only a total of four containers or bags or individual items will be picked at a time.
E. The garbage container or bag size must not exceed 35 gallons.
F. Any container, bag, or item that exceeds 50 lbs. will not be picked up NO exceptions.
G. Two tied bundles of brush or limbs not to exceed 2 ft. diameter, 4 ft. long, or 50 lbs. Loose limbs placed in a container can result in an eye injury to route personnel.
Animal litter, humane items, hypodermic needles, glass and other disposed items could jeopardize the workers health. Please call 825-0026 for disposal instructions.
In order to protect workers and prevent equipment damage, also not to violate strict State Landfill or Transfer Station Regulations, the following items will NOT be picked up. No furniture, appliances, TV, computers, mattresses, tires, lead type batteries, chemicals, wet paint cans or spray paint cans, large metal items, flammable liquids or containers, oil new or used, anti-freeze, fertilizer, bricks, concrete, rocks, gravel or dirt. No meat in a large quantity or animals or animal remains will be taken. Fish remains may be disposed in a small quantity, please freeze remains and place in a sealed plastic bag the day of pick-up.
Fireplace or charcoal ashes MUST be placed in a plastic bag no exceptions!!!!!
Pryor Waste has a Transfer Station available to dispose of extra garbage that exceeds contract limits, furniture, appliances, lumber and etc for a charged fee.